1. Try to keep your stress level to a minimum. While this may be easier said than done, taking a few minutes to play with your pet and reassure them that everything's okay will go a long way in keeping your pet calm.
2. Create a safe area for your pet, which is undisturbed until necessary. Keep a small section of the house your moving from untouched until the last possible minute. This will provide a "safe haven" for your pet. When you arrive at your new location, set up a small area as a new "safe haven" for them.
3. Keep feeding times the same. This will help maintain the routine that you have already established with your pet and keep their lives as normal as possible. Also, be sure to use the same food. A sudden change in diet can sometime make your pet sick.
4. Keep strangers away from your pets. Oftentimes a moving company is hired to help move families from one location to another. Try to limit their interactions with your pets.
5. Pack your pet a travel bag. This can be especially helpful if you are moving a long distance. Pack their food, water, feeding dish and any medications. This will also reduce your stress, trying to locate all of these items during the move.
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